Coolant Components for Machine Tools
Our line of reliable coolant pumps, which accommodate a broad range of pressures and flows, support highly precision machining and reduced machining hours. Another major advantage of our coolant pumps is their very low noise levels, which contribute to an improved work environment.
Our coolant pumps are categorized as E3P pumps for low-pressure applications and CQT pumps for high- or super-high-pressure applications. Our pumps have the merit of being directly coupled with motors and thus require much smaller installation footprint. Furthermore, our new E3P pump design for low-pressure applications adopts a built-in relief valve and a configuration that supports easier maintenance with a reduced number of replacement parts, which also reduces running costs. We also offer coolant units that combine a coolant pump with filtration devices.

<Detailed Information about the Products>
- » CQT
- » E3P
- » Operation Manual